Pocket Squares: It's Hip to be Square

In the growing absence of ties, Viking helmets and the feathered troubadour’s cap, the pocket square has become the prevalent way to add some personality to a suit or sport coat. To many men, the pocket square is still foreign territory, but if it is no longer in your pant pocket and has traveled to your jacket breast pocket, you’ve arrived.

The more classic look is a tie with or without a pocket square. To be counted among fashion-forward males, ditch the tie. Bring out ties only at more formal events and in conservative environments.

Pocket squares come in a variety of sizes; however, the easiest to manage is 12 – 13 inches square.  This size will fit nicely in your pocket without bulging or disappearing. I shudder to suggest this, but a disappearing pocket square can be attached to a morsel of cardboard to give it height and rigidity.

Solid colours are easiest to coordinate, but patterns add more life and character to your outfit. Wear a pocket square that echoes a colour in your shirt, tie or jacket. Wear white, only for formal events with a black suit or tux. Never buy a tie and pocket square of the same pattern and colour. Remember the pocket square is there to add character to your outfit. Let it do its job!

Select the right fabric. Silk always works. In the summer time, consider linen or cotton as well and in the winter don’t hesitate to use heavier cotton or colourful wool with the darker suits and tweedier jackets.

Many techniques for folding a pocket square exist. The most formal is the “square” fold. A more casual look is the “puff”. Build a small collection of pocket squares as you did with ties. Just as you wouldn’t wear the same tie several days in a row, ensure that you switch up your pocket squares to keep your outfits interesting. Hang your pocket square after use so it can to regain its shape.

Drop by and we’ll gladly give you a few tips on folding the perfect pocket square for your favourite jacket.

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